2014 04 08 rated 1 out of 5 by kwgeek from poor design falls apart with uses i used to have a cat and i also for a period had quite long hair and i needed a way to work out the excess hair that was caught in the carpet cause vacuuming was not.
Carpet rake canadian tire.
Shop online and pick up at 500 locations.
Sweepa rubber rake head only no scratching no noise flexible 100 rubber rake for leaves pine needles and pine cones 3 8 out of 5 stars 109 cdn 19 98 cdn 19.
Loosens and lifts embedded soil and hair before vacuuming.
It s exactly what your carpet needs.
8 x 10 2 4 x 3 m.
Pushes foam into carpet lifting and loosening dirt and stains canadian tire.
Tidy up your yard with durable landscape bow and thatching rakes from canadian tire.
Strain resistant construction keeps the carpet clean in any condition.
The roberts carpet rake and groomer is ideal for quick and easy yet thorough carpet maintenance.
We would like to show you a description here but the site won t allow us.
Canadian tire has a wide range of tires and wheels car electronics tools accessories and parts for every type of vehicle.
The carpet rake does an excellent job of removing lines small dents in the carpet.
Hypoallergenic design is great for people with higher degrees of sensitivity.
Our choices for this wiki may have changed since we published this review video.
The firm flexible bristles loosen crusted matted pile in heavy traffic areas to release deeply seated dirt and grime.
Shop garden tools online and pick up in store at any of 500 locations.
Wide head also revives crushed and matted carpet so it appears new.
Makes your vacuum cleaning easy.
It loosens and lifts trapped dirt pet hair and debris before vacuuming.